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Herbal Medicine
Herbal Medicine is a Natural Medicine science that supplements specific foods, herbal formulas, nutrients to re-balance the body preventing glitches and harmonizing the systems. Herbal tinctures, as well as dried herbal tablets, are available to suit your palate.
Herbal medicine is a traditional form of treatment derived from plants, and has been used since the Stone Age. Today it combines empirical knowledge with modern science and research. According to the World Health Organization herbal medicine treatments are still the most commonly used in the world today.
Bush and Bach Flower Essence's
World-famous a homeopathic treatment, individually prescribed allowing a gentle non-intrusive balancing of emotional traumatic, or subconscious blockages. In a water and alcohol base, you can drop under your tongue or add to the herbal tinctures.
Clinical Nutrition
Is the analysis of the diet and application of a suitable style that best accommodates the nutritional requirements of the individual to attain desired weight and wellness. Slow and gentle changes are gradually introduced to improve your health.
What to expect in a Herbal Medicine consultation.
A welcome pack will be given to you with health appraisal, stress and mood questionnaires to fill in please bring this into your initial consultation, as it allows me an insight into some key areas to address, along with anything else you feel needs to be explained. The initial consultation Will involve space for you to communicate your health goals and I have a few questions to enable a more focused detailed and custom made program,
valued at $150.00.
The second follow up consultation
Involves a couple of friendly screening tests, such as. Monitoring cellular health, lean body mass, fat mass, estimated cellular age, accurate BMI calorie and fluid requirements.
Valued at $50.00.
Orion Vector (electro-dermal energy testing with supplement)
valued at $150.00.
The GI -Map and OMX metabomoics tests are an extra expense (well worth it see the information in the next section)
Zinc tally test
Is to test for zinc deficiency, numerous research studies have found that sub-optimal levels of zinc are very common at all ages, especially in the elderly. An Australian study found that 85% of women and 65% of men do not receive the RDA for zinc in their diets.
valued at $10.00.
Blood Morphology
It is, by no means, diagnostic technique but, rather, a screening tool that allows the practitioner to quiz the patient on their health status and assist in helping to ascertain certain underlying factors that may be causing the patient’s body to be out of balance.
This, in turn, allows the practitioner to design an individualized treatment protocol specifically aimed at helping the patient improve their health status and to maintain good health.
These tests are not diagnostic medical tests; they are a screening tool used to prompt the practitioner to ask the patient pertinent questions about their health status to acquire an informed opinion as to possible underlying causes that may be contributing to their health problems.
valued at $100.00.
The third follow up consultation
Involves the report of findings and an individualized program outline to suit your current diet and lifestyle and financial options. With the supplements needed initially. This is a clear overview of the results of your screening and the importance of these to your health. Importantly you will also be provided with a comprehensive health restoration proposal to help you achieve your health goals. This report is yours to keep and will enable you to keep track of your progress over time.
valued at $100.00.
Ongoing treatment wellness maintenance
You will be required to supplement your diet with some high quality and clinically effective products to achieve optimal health and quality of life IE: vitamins, minerals, homeopathic energy medicine, for a while, as a part of your ongoing wellness program, the benefits of having an individually customized program are a huge saving in time and money on your part and avoiding a shotgun approach with less than effective supplements. A report of finding will be given and explained in the third consultation and the key areas to address initially for the greatest benefit.
The total value of the three herbal medicine consultation Package is $560.00, I am offering this package for $450.00 you save $110.00. The cost of practitioner only supplements and specialised testing such as Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, GI-Map and OMX Metablomics testing is an extra charge.
By providing a customized personal program based on a series of friendly tests and questionnaires we can become aware of the underlying cause of imbalances in the body, mind and soul and with a personalized program, the goal is to bring about a return of the natural harmonic place inherent in each individuals matrix. With the assistance of with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbal and energetic preparations, flower essences, clinical nutrition, exercise, lifestyle program's, and the Lightwave energy infusion technique. Carma provides a range of Natural Medicine services individually designed to suit your current situation and needs, drawing, upon a wide variety of skills to achieve desired outcomes in improved wellness and energy.
Herbal Medicine Reassessment Appointments: When and Why?
Are you ready to take your wellness journey to the next level? At Carmonics, we're passionate about helping you achieve your health goals seamlessly. Our herbal medicine reassessment appointments play a crucial role in ensuring your personalized wellness plan stays on track and evolves with your unique needs.
Timing is Everything: Three Key Moments for Reassessment
1. After Eight Weeks of Herbal Medicine Program:
Why? Your health is dynamic, and so is our approach. After eight weeks, it's time to reflect on your progress, tweak strategies, and celebrate your achievements. We believe in a successful, streamlined path to wellness.
2. New Presenting Problem:
Why? Life is full of surprises, and so is our health journey. If a new concern arises, we're here to address it head-on. Our focus is on your holistic well-being, ensuring that every aspect of your health is considered for a seamless, successful experience.
3. Six Months or More Since Your Last Appointment:
Why? Regular check-ins are the key to sustained well-being. If it's been six months or more since we caught up, it's time for a reconnect. We'll revisit questionnaires, assess your progress, and design a future plan tailored to your current needs, ensuring a proactive and personalized approach to your journey.
The Reassessment Process:
A Glimpse Into Your Wellness Future
During your herbal medicine reassessment, we'll dive into tailored questionnaires, evaluate your current state, and collaborate on a prognosis for your next eight weeks. This proactive approach allows us to fine-tune your treatment plan, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your goals.
Here are some questionaires to fill out prior to your consultation
Optimal Health — It All Starts with the GI-MAP(TM)
Overwhelmingly, research indicates that gut health impacts overall health. The gut microbiome, in particular, plays a critical role in mediating the effects of diet and other factors on health, including digestive, immune, metabolic and neuroendocrine functions. Assessing GI health with the proper tools can help practitioners get to the root cause of chronic illness.
The GI-MAP (GI-Microbial Assay Plus) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing. It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested.
To order please contact me and I can email you the link.
see some info in the PDF below
What to expect in a HERBAL MEDICINE consultation. A welcome pack will be given to you with some questionnaires to fill in please fil in the forms and return to me prior to your initial consultation, as it allows me an insight into some key areas to address, along with anything else you feel needs to be explained. The initial consultation involves a space for you to communicate your health goals and I have a few questions to enable a more focused detailed and custom made program.
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